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How can I cancel my subscription?

We're sorry that you've decided to leave, and we hope the time with us brought you lots of positive emotions!

We want you to know that you're always in control of your subscription. You can cancel at any time within the app by going to Settings, and then selecting Manage Subscription.

[en] img-dance_managesubscription_step1.png [en] img-dance_managesubscription_step2.png

We would like to inform you that there is another way to cancel your subscription. Just click Get Help from Support Team, and then selecting Manage Subscription.

[en] img-dance_gethelp_step1.png [en] img-dance_gethelp_step2.png

  • If you are directed to the App Store subscriptions after clicking on Manage Subscription, you will need to log in to your paid account to proceed.

To access your paid account, log in using your email address as your initial login method. Tap Log Out first.

img-dance_profile_step1.png img-dance_editprofile_step2.png

Select Get Started and click Yes, I already have an account. Log in using the email and password set during registration.

img-dance_getstarted_step1.png img-dance_signin_step2.png

If you can't remember your password, don't worry - click the Forgot Password button or Login without a password.

  • If you have not found the Manage Subscription option, you should upgrade the version of the App to the latest one in the App Store. To do this, please follow our instructions step by step:
  1. Go to App Store
  2. Tap your account icon in the upper right corner
  3. Swipe upwards
  4. Choose the appropriate App and click on update button

After these instructions, you can easily find the necessary option and cancel your subscription in the settings.

We're sorry to see you go! But we're excited to have you join us again for new challenges!

Please feel free to contact us at [email protected].